
No more configuration needed just follow Tailwind installation guides. Clean UI is built on top of TailwiindCSS.

We are still using TailwindCSS V1.

Read here about Tailwind V1 and V2 update.

Component classes are following Bootstrap V5.0+ standard.


You can simply copy and paste our ready-to-use component classes CSS from this dist/ directory.

TailwindCSS CDN

By using Tailwind CDN version, you will not be able to use @apply there and you cannot extends Tailwind themes, therefore you will use default color configuration from Clean UI.


See CDN example

VueJS 2.x/3.x

For usage with Vue, you can simply import Clean UI in single component or in main.js.

Global config

/* ./assets/index.css */

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
// main.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import './assets/index.css';
import 'initbase-clean-ui/dist/theme.css'

. . . 

Then you can use Tailwind classes and Clean UI classes like usually you do.

Note: If you make changes in tailwind.config.js in theme.extend.colors, you must restart your Vue dev server (ctrl + c) in order to apply changes to Clean UI component classes.

React CRA

Follow Tailwind CRA installation here.

Then add Clean UI css to index.js.

// src/index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import './index.css';
import 'initbase-clean-ui/dist/theme.css'

import App from './App';
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';

    <App />


Follow Tailwind Next.js installation here.

Then you can something like this.

// pages/_app.js

import '../styles/globals.css'
import 'tailwindcss/tailwind.css'
import 'initbase-clean-ui/dist/theme.css'

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp

Tailwind Configuration (required)

Clean UI using configuration as follows.

If you are going to use class like btn-primary, btn-success, alert-primary, *-primary, *-danger, etc, you must extend tailwind colors theme like example below.

If you don't include `100`, `500`, and `600` color options, an error will be occured.
  • 100: mostly for text color (lighter color)
  • 500: the color
  • 600: hover color

Alternatively you can use dist/theme.plain.css and Clean UI default Tailwind config will be applied so you can't change the colors primary, secondary, success, etc.

Clean UI default config

// tailwind.config.js

var configuration = {
  /// . . .
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: {
          '100': '#DBEAFE',
          '500': '#3B82F6',
          '600': '#2563EB'
        secondary: {
          '100': '#E0E7FF',
          '500': '#6366F1',
          '600': '#4F46E5'
        success: {
          '100': '#D1FAE5',
          '500': '#10B981',
          '600': '#059669'
        danger: {
          '100': '#FEE2E2',
          '500': '#EF4444',
          '600': '#DC2626'
        warning: {
          '100': '#FEF3C7',
          '500': '#F59E0B',
          '600': '#D97706'
        info: {
          '100': '#DBEAFE',
          '500': '#3B82F6',
          '600': '#2563EB'
        light: {
          '100': '#F9FAFB',
          '500': '#E5E7EB',
          '600': '#6B7280'
        dark: {
          '100': '#F3F4F6',
          '500': '#374151',
          '600': '#1F2937'
    /// . . .
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Sun, Jun 13, 2021